In autumn, nature unfolds once again - as a last flare-up - the full beauty of its colours. Green, yellow, gold, brown, red in many shades. On my daily walks I enjoy these unique sights.

Soon, however, the leaves will fall and only the bare, dark and black trunks of the trees will remain, and then the snow will bury everything under it. - It often makes me very thoughtful....

In this series "Autumn" I have put together some colours of this scenario.

Gemälde Herbst-grün-blau

Nr. 146

"Autumn green-brown"

Nature is beautiful, but hard. Harsh contrasts meet directly. Green-yellow - black - white, a glimmer of blue sky and the passing white clouds.

Acrylic on canvas 60 x 60 cm

Gemälde Herbst gelb-braun

Nr. 147

"Autumn yellow-brown"

A bright yellow, here and there also brown against grey and black trunks and branches. This is the autumn. Changeable, partly cloudy, partly cheerful....

Acrylic on canvas 60 x 60 cm

Gemälde Herbst gold-braun

Acrylic on canvas 60 x 60 cm

Nr. 148

"Autumn golden brown"


The brown-gold of some trees in autumn shines wonderfully in the sun. - But also a grey overcast sky with purple reflections in the lake offer a special impression.

Gemälde Herbst-braun-rot

Nr. 149

"Autumn brown-red"


Some shrubs turn red to dark red, creating a beautiful effect against the blue autumn sky and the mountain peaks already covered with snow.

Acrylic on canvas 60 x 60 cm

Gemälde Herbst-orange-gelb

Nr. 150

"Autumn orange-yellow"

Yellow-gold-orange against black trunks and grey rocks impress the observer.  

The mountains around Lake Maggiore are fully covered with mixed forest, so autumn can really show all its colours here.

Acrylic on canvas 60 x 60 cm

Gemälde Herbst rot

Acrylic on canvas 60 x 60 cm

Nr. 151

"Autumn gold"

Gold against black trunks, blue sky, snow-covered mountain peaks. This impresses the observer.  

The mountains around Lake Maggiore are fully covered with mixed forest, so autumn can really show all its colours here.

Nr. 152

“Autumn Red”

Red and gold in front of black trunks, blue sky, snow-covered mountain peaks. This impresses the observer. The mountains around Lake Maggiore are fully covered with mixed forest, so autumn can really show all colours here; from bright yellow to deep red.

Acrylic on canvas 60 x 60 cm

Studio D’Artecon Sagl

Via E. Pestalozzi 15

CH-6618 Arcegno /Switzerland

Tel: +41 (0)91 791 44 53

E-mail: studio(at)